Cause of Death: IGNORANCE, Human Behavior in Times of PANIC by Juan Rodulfo

Cause of Death IGNORANCE by Juan Rodulfo
Since the COVID-19 pandemic started to gain space on the front page of the Mainstream Media and then prompted the “closure” of entire countries, following medieval ways to fight epidemics, as exposed by Donald G. McNeil Jr, on his article published by the New York Times in February 28, 2020 titled: “To Take on the Coronavirus, Go Medieval on It”, several phenomena caught my attention.
Acting in my role as Gig Economy driver, delivering food in this small and nice town named Huntersville (57K Inhabitants and me: Legal Alien), in North Carolina, United States, was able, first hand to witness different approaches people and companies use to face this pandemic, like:
- Use of face masks of any kind, everywhere, everyday=?
- Compulsive hoarding of Toilet Paper=?
- Installation of small plexiglass dividers or huge plastic curtains on customer service areas=?
- The Olympic walking, as pictured by Trevor Noah, Host of the Daily Show, renamed because of the quarantine: “The Daily Social Distancing Show”, mocking people performing pirouettes to avoid being even near other human beings=?
- People asking their FOOD to be delivered at the mat of their front doors=?
- Closing Doors and forcing people to walk in/out through arbitrary design patterns in stores=?
- Washing hands= OK
These and other crazy behaviors published by news and people made me think: How was it in other Pandemics, on Part One will try to bring light on those past behaviors.
On Part Two will browse facts and most amazing behaviors on this actual Pandemic and on Part Three will work on the question: Was this epidemic, with epicenter in Communist Governed China, convenient for other Governments around the globe?
NOTE: By purchasing the books in our store you get FREE SHIPPING in those countries where AMAZON works, your purchase is important since part of the profit is used to help dozens of families suffering from the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, and at the same time it is collaborating with the dissemination of the truth about the Crimes Against Humanity and violation of Human Rights, which Venezuelans suffer daily and which are overshadowed by the propaganda apparatus of the misnamed “Bolivarian revolution”.
COVID 19, COVID, Pandemic, Panic Behavior, Human Behavior, Compulsive Hoarding, Crazy Behavior, Ignorance,
#COVID19 #COVID #Pandemic #PanicBehavior #HumanBehavior #CompulsiveHoarding #CrazyBehavior #Ignorance
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